Liberal Arts Honors Scholars
Students apply to the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Program when applying to UT as first year students. In addition to taking honors coursework focusing on reasoning, research, and writing, Liberal Arts Honors Scholars participate in a range of academic enrichment experiences which can include study abroad, research, internships, demonstrated leadership, and community service.
COLA Departmental Honors
Most departments in the College of Liberal Arts offer honors programs to their majors.
Junior Fellows Program
A small group of up to thirty-five talented and energetic juniors and seniors selected on the basis of their intellectual ability, the quality and promise of their proposed project, and their enthusiasm for discussion.
Humanities Honors Major
The Humanities Honors major is an individualized, interdisciplinary course of study which offers highly motivated students the opportunity to design an independent course of study built around intellectual interests.
Plan II Honors Program
Plan II is a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. Plan II differs from most honors programs in that its core curriculum is a major.
Liberal Arts Upper-Divisional Honors
With small classes, top professors, individualized coursework, and an active learning community, Liberal Arts Honors broadens students’ worldview and prepares them to lead.